Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Utna-Pishti Flood vs. Other Cultural Floods

Our first project in class was talking about the story of Gilgamesh. We discussed the story and compared it with other flood stories from other cultures. For example, we compared it to the story of Noah's ark. We talked about how story had a flood sent by a god with a main purpose of killing people for certain things that happened. The flood in Gilgamesh was sent to wipe out the city due to the noise level. In the story of Noah's ark, the flood was sent because of the people's sins.  Another story we could compare this too is the Arcadian story about Dardanus and the Arcadian flood. This story is about a great flood that drove Dardanus from his lands. This great flood submerged the lowlands, making them unfit for cultivation. This compares to the story of Gilgamesh because of the fact that both floods had a lethal edge to them. Even though the Arcadian flood wasn't sent because of noise, it was sent to drive people out of the city. Another cultural flood story that we can compare to Gilgamesh is the story of The Greek flood. This flood was sent by Zeus to kill the men of the Bronze Age. This story can relate well to the story of Gilgamesh as both floods were sent with a goal of wiping something out. Gilgamesh, the city and Greek, the men of the Bronze Age.

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